Ty & Arielle

April 6, 2024 • McKinney, TX

Ty & Arielle

April 6, 2024 • McKinney, TX

Wedding Registry

About Our Registry

Hey everyone! We are so excited to celebrate our wedding with you, and so grateful for your love and support as we start our new life together.

Since your attendance means the most to us, plus we prefer not to end up with 10 toasters, we have chosen a Honeymoon Registry as opposed to a traditional Wedding Registry.

Please enjoy the summary of our trip to Hawaii below! We are truly thankful for any one-dollar amount!

Planned Hawaiian Activities

We look forward to hiking through beautiful rain forests, sightseeing VOLCANOS and waterfalls, snorkeling with Manta Rays, and searching for SEA TURTLES at four beautiful spots on the big island!

Ty & Arielle's Hawaiian Honeymoon Fund!